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Energy saving

Energy saving with glass

The effects of global warming and profound climate change are obvious. The UN Climate Change Conference in Katowice in December 2018 clearly showed this to the world's population.

Not only new buildings require efficient use of precious energy. Almost all insulating glass and windows that were installed in Germany before 1995 for example, are energetically obsolete. The replacement of old insulating glass with modern ISOLAR NEUTRALUX® heat insulating glass per m² of glass surface saves your own budget and the environment the consumption of approx. 15-20 litres of heating oil per year. 

Energy saving at the highest level

The keyword “Passive house” is especially in Central Europe representative of concepts in which the heat loss of a house is far below the legal requirements for the efficient use of energy. For such energetic concepts, glass is required whose U-Value is clearly below 1.0 W/m²K. The ISOLAR® Group has an extensive product range with different U-Values and different installation thicknesses.

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